Sedam nagrađivanih animiranih filmova u kojima se autori ne srame zauzeti politički stav. Program putuje kroz vrijeme prateći povijest animiranog filma, posebice onih nadrealnih različitosti. Mnogi su radovi odavno stekli status klasika, pogotovo oni Borowczykog, Švankmajera, Szczechura i Rybczynskiog. Program otvara Helmut Herbst koji, manje ili više po prvi puta, dotiče neke važne kontinuitete u njemačkoj povijesti, od najočitijih to su Hitlerov fašizam i poslijeratno zapadnonjemačko društvo. Suzan Pitt ulazi u svijet ženske psihologije u SAD-u tijekom 70-ih u revolucionarnim bojama.
Seven award-winning animated films in which filmmakers don't shy away from taking a political stance. The programme takes a journey through time, tracing the history of the animated short, particularly those of the surreal variety. Many of the works on view have long since attained the status of classics, especially those by Borowczyk, Švankmajer, Szczechura and Rybczynski. The programme opens with Helmut Herbst who, more or less for the first time in Germany, tackles some important continuities in German history, the most obvious being here Hitler fascism and West German post war society. Suzan Pitt enters the world of female psychology in the US of the 70s with groundbreaking colours.
schwarz-weiss-rot / black-white-red, Njemačka, 1964., director: Helmut Herbst, animated
Igre anđela
Les jeux des anges / Angel's Games, Francuska, 1964., director: Walerian Borowczyk, animated
Hobby, Poljska, 1968., director: Daniel Szczechura, animated
Asparagus, 1979., director: Suzan Pitt, animated
Poljska, 1981., director: Zbigniew Rybczynski, animated
Knopka / The Button, SSSR, 1990., director: Robert Saakjanz, animated
Smrt staljinizma u Češkoj
Konec stalinismu v Cechách / The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia, Velika Britanija, 1991., director: Jan Svankmajer, animated
The International Short Film Festival Oberhausen
Od samog početka 1954. godine Međunarodni festival kratkog filma Oberhausen jedan je od glavnih međunarodnih → more
Latino - američko iskustvo
The Latin American Experience,
Rubovi SAD-a
Fringes of U.S.,