STIFF 2019

Ravnoteža / Equilibrium

cca 90 min.

Ravnoteža / Equilibrium


During childhood we build our lives around family relations, and when we grow up we create our own relationships. But the illusion of a newly acquired freedom is burdened by heritage that we carry with us and within us – sometimes good, sometimes bad, usually somewhere in between. Once created, family bonds are hard to unravel, because something always pulls you back. How much do we own our parents, how to move on and beat our own path, how much do endings and new beginnings hurt, how to leave a safe harbour, and how to sail away from one that is not, how to deal with nostalgia that sometimes just won’t go away?




He Pulls His Truck, Rusija, 2019., director: Proskurin Kirill, animated

Čežnja za domom

Čežnja za domom

Homesick, Izrael, 2018., director: Noy Bar, Yoav Aluf, Hila Einy, animated

Vremenski stroj

Vremenski stroj

Time machine, Poljska, 2018., director: Jan Bujnowski, documentary

Primarni brojevi

Primarni brojevi

Prime numbers, Mađarska, 2018., director: Anna Ottlik, animated

Mi smo vidjeli ljeto

Mi smo vidjeli ljeto

Dog Days of Summer, Srbija, 2019., director: Nikola Stojanović, feature film


STIFF 2019

Međunarodni studentski filmski festival

STIFF (17. 10. – 20. 10. 2019.) je međunarodni festival posvećen studentskom filmu čija je → more

STIFF 2019



Fiume o morte!

20:00 popunjeno

Fiume o morte!

director: Igor Bezinović, Hrvatska, Italija, Slovenija, 2025.
documentary 112 min.