The rigid posturing of our bodies along with the rigid patterns of our relationships demand that we loosen up from time to time. Let’s stretch out our stunted thought, warm up those contracted emotions and breathe out all that is unneeded. Fiction film In the Woods shows what happens when a young couple feels constricted by the solitude of their vacation spot. Away from the hustle and bustle of their daily lives, the commitment to each other comes into question. The family dinner table from the documentary No Crying at the Dinner Table is the author’s arena for working out through the relationships, thoughts, and emotional challenges that make her family. Tragicomedy Saint Android explores heights the robotization of society will reach. Matadoras is a touching story of two girls who endure life changes through playing. The documentary titled Without Breath brings to light the struggle with depression of an opera singer. The intricacies of the world that lies hidden beyond the stage curtains are unveiled and the reasons behind artists vanishing quietly off the stage are made clearer.
No Crying at the Dinner Table
Kanada, 2019., director: Carol Nguyen, documentary
Saint Android
Njemačka, 2021., director: Lukas von Berg, animated
Njemačka / Argentina, 2020., director: Sophia Mocorrea, feature film
STIFF 2021
Međunarodni studentski filmski festival
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