"Put prema susjedu" je dugo vremena bio slogan festivala. Iako je Oberhausen, najprije, imao Istočnu Europu na umu, postojali su drugi 'susjedi', primjerice latino-američka 'Treća kinematografija' koja je igrala veliku ulogu u Oberhausenu 60-ih i 70-ih. Ovi su se filmovi fokusirali na društvenu i političku situaciju u latino-američkim zemljama, ukazujući na siromaštvo i američki imperijalizam. Heynowski i Scheumann slučajno su postali svjedocima napada na predsjednika u Santiagu i napravili dokumentarni film o tome. Tajna formula, gotovo nepoznato remek-djelo, zapravo stoj kao rođenje prave umjetnički izazovne, eksperimentalne kinematografije u Meksiku. Na kraju, pogledat ćemo u trenutnu situaciju i pronaći kontinuitet i još mnogo toga.
„Way to the neighbour“ was the festival's slogan for a long time. Though Oberhausen first had Eastern Europe in mind, there were other 'neighbours', for instance the Latin-American 'Third Cinema' which played a major role in Oberhausen in the 60s and 70s. These films focused on the social and political situation in the Latin-American countries, pointing among others at poverty and US imperialism. Heynowski and Scheumann coincidentally became eye witnesses on the 1973 attack of the president's palace in Santiago de Chile and made a documentary film about that. La formula secreta, an almost unknown master piece, actually stands as the birth of a real artistically challenging, experimental cinema in Mexico. In the end we take a look at the present situation, finding continuities and more.
Mitbürger! / Fellow Citizens!, Njemačka Demokratska Republika, 1974., director: Walter Heynowski, Gerhard Scheumann, documentary
Tajna formula
La fórmula secreta / The Secret Formula, Meksiko, 1966., director: Rubén Gámez, feature film
Prema domovini
Vamos patria a caminar / Heading for Fatherland, Gvatemala, 1983., director: Cinematografía Guatemalteca, documentary
Njegovo ime (Klaun)
O Nome Dele (o clóvis) / His Name (The Clown), Brazil, 2004., director: Felipe Bracança / Marina Meliande, feature film
The International Short Film Festival Oberhausen
Od samog početka 1954. godine Međunarodni festival kratkog filma Oberhausen jedan je od glavnih međunarodnih → more
Nadrealna animacija
Surreal Animation,
Rubovi SAD-a
Fringes of U.S.,