STIFF 2021


94 min.



Just like natural disasters, social and beurocratic systems block our paths. Sheer willpower allows one to find the light that brings hope in lightning and to dampen the roar of thunder with loud cries, song, and laughter. All The Things I’ll Never Tell You is a film in which the playful interaction of language and the visual is prominent. The collage of old photographies, imagined memories and the examination of the emotions brought about by the lack of communication amid generations enables the author to reconstruct the pater familias. Then Comes The Evening is a cinema verite styled voyage to the summits of eastern Bosnian mountains where we plunge into the quotidian haiku. This poetic documentary provides us with a slice of the quiet life led by two elderly women, a life spent in dedication to coexistence with nature. Cockpera is a humorous animation that takes cues from the tales of Aesopus. To the more cunning shall go the spoils of this opera duel. Open Your Mouth centers around the nonfictional coming of age story of three boys set in the rift between the Arabic and Jewish cultures. The school quire and the camaraderie pave the way towards new horizons for the trio.




Hrvatska, 2020., director: Kata Gugić, animated


STIFF 2021

Međunarodni studentski filmski festival

Protekle dvije godine temeljno su izmijenile naš način bivanja u svijetu, interakcije, mogućnosti i ideje → more

STIFF 2021


Medvjedić Paddington u džungli

17:00 Dječja kuća sinkronizirano

Medvjedić Paddington u džungli

Paddington in Peru, director: Dougal Wilson, Velika Britanija, Francuska, Japan, SAD, 2024.
feature film 106 min.


Fiume o morte!

18:00 popunjeno

Fiume o morte!

director: Igor Bezinović, Hrvatska, Italija, Slovenija, 2025.
documentary 112 min.

Veliki život

19:00 Dječja kuća s titlovima

Ženijalni dani

Veliki život

Život k sežrání, director: Kristina Dufkova, Češka, Francuska, Slovačka, 2024.
animated 80 min.


Te sitnice


Te sitnice

Small Things Like These, director: Tim Mielants, Sjedinjene Američke Države, Belgija, 2024.
feature film 98 min.