Is where I come from written on my forehead? Can I forget my roots? Do I need to belong somewhere or to someone, and why should that be so important? We often don’t know if it’s harder to stay or leave, if we are looking for home or running away from it. We secretly hope that there is a place where we will blossom...
We are constantly expected to adapt, to accept, to label who we are, or to reinvent ourselves, find ourselves and our little piece of heaven. Places, time and people mark our destinies, and often while migrating we travel personally, intimately. Meanwhile, there is a hidden flame of nostalgia flickering inside us; we get homesick, although maybe we still haven’t figured out where home is.
Ko'lko god nas noge nose
As Far As Our Feet Takes Us, Hrvatska, 2018., director: Renata Lučić, documentary
Odrasti u Malo Drvo
Grow up to be a Little Tree, Hrvatska, 2019., director: Noemi Ribić, animated
Territories, Alžir / Francuska, 2018., director: Azedine Kasri, feature film
Moja oznaka
My Label, Belgija, 2018., director: Janne Janssens, animated
Mjesto odakle vam pišem pisma
The Place I am Writing you Letters From, Hrvatska, 2018., director: Nikolina Bogdanović, documentary
STIFF 2019
Međunarodni studentski filmski festival
STIFF (17. 10. – 20. 10. 2019.) je međunarodni festival posvećen studentskom filmu čija je → more
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