Olga Papash - Nacionalni Centar Oleksandr Dovženko, Kijev, Ukrajina
Predavanje se fokusira na pitanje kako se pojam utopije, kao jedan od ključnih elemenata u sovjetskoj kinematografiji uopće, mijenjao kroz tijek povijesti filma u periodu od 1926. – 1991. godine.
Soviet utopia was a project aimed to change not only the social order, but also the human nature itself, creating a New Man. This desire was from the very beginning embodied in Soviet film, which served both the reflection and the engine of the prospective utopian transformations. In my lecture I trace the rise and the decline of the film avant-garde of the 1920s, the shift to (post-utopian) social realism, exemplified by Stalinist musical, and the late-Soviet escapist utopian projects.
Utopijsko nasljeđe socijalizma
Moje, tvoje, naše
Drugo more, festivalom Moje, tvoje, naše,donosi ciklus filmova Utopijsko nasljeđe socijalizma. Riječ je o filmovima koji nas → more
Sovjeti plus Elektrifikacija
Les soviets plus l'électricité, Francuska, 2001., director: Nicolas Rey, documentary
Аероград, SSSR, 1935., director: Oleksandr Dovženko, feature film
Put do raja
Doroga v ray, SSSR, 1991., director: Yurii Belianskii, feature film
Borba divova
Borotba Veletniv, SSSR, 1926., director: Viktor Turin, feature film
Strogi mladić
Strogiy yunosha, SSSR, 1934., director: Abraam Room, feature film
Empire me
Empire Me - Der Staat bin ich!, Austrija / Luksemburg / Njemačka, 2011., director: Paul Poet, documentary