

Kultni klasik: Luis Buñuel

Kultni klasik: Luis Buñuel

rođendanski program

14. rođendan Art-kina slavi se u nedjelju, 18. prosinca u 20 sati, uz autora čije je djelo utkano u srž vizualnog identiteta ustanove, logo kina sačinjen od zarezanog, pomaknutog oka. Riječ je, naravno, o antologijskom → more




Treći i posljednji sastanak ovogodišnjeg čitateljsko-filmskog kluba Art-kina na temu jednog od kapitalnih djela svjetske književnosti, romana Majstor i Margarita Mihaila Bulgakova, zakazan je za utorak, 13. prosinca u 18 sati. Istog dana, s početkom → more




Youth is beautiful but fragile. Sometimes innocent, and sometimes not. What if we do not have the right to the moments that should belong to her? In the documentary Love Me, young Laetitia searches for → more


Hide and seek

Hide and seek

The dark and unknown, at every age, brings back that childhood fear in us, which cries out for warmth and security. What if our bogeyman from childhood is just a poor and unhappy woman from → more




Faced with new stimulation, we are more sensitive and vulnerable. In moments of rest from everyday life - when we put the brakes on the obligations that surround us and go in some other, unexpected → more


Check point

Check point

Experiencing failure does not always mean going back to the beginning. The experience, even if bad, leaves a mark and direction for some other attempts. Maybe more successful precisely because of that experience. The protagonist → more


Extended play

Extended play

Discursive program / Talk with filmmakers

In this discursive program, we will have a chat with the crew of the film The Girl in the Blue Dress. This unusual debut of the film collective Novi Vodnjanski filmski val (NVFV) is a medium-length feature film → more


All In

All In

Playing with the highest stakes can result in a rise to the top or a fall to the bottom. Nevertheless, how will we know what awaits us if we do not bet all-in sometime? The → more