Glazbena želja: Godard kroz Jedan plus jedan
Prva glazbena želja stiže u prosinačkom programu, a odabrao ju je za vas naš glazbenik Sandro Bastiančić. → more
Prva glazbena želja stiže u prosinačkom programu, a odabrao ju je za vas naš glazbenik Sandro Bastiančić. → more
14. rođendan Art-kina slavi se u nedjelju, 18. prosinca u 20 sati, uz autora čije je djelo utkano u srž vizualnog identiteta ustanove, logo kina sačinjen od zarezanog, pomaknutog oka. Riječ je, naravno, o antologijskom → more
Proglašenje pobjednika ovogodišnjeg STIFF-a. → more
The dark and unknown, at every age, brings back that childhood fear in us, which cries out for warmth and security. What if our bogeyman from childhood is just a poor and unhappy woman from → more
Experiencing failure does not always mean going back to the beginning. The experience, even if bad, leaves a mark and direction for some other attempts. Maybe more successful precisely because of that experience. The protagonist → more
In this discursive program, we will have a chat with the crew of the film The Girl in the Blue Dress. This unusual debut of the film collective Novi Vodnjanski filmski val (NVFV) is a medium-length feature film → more