

Kockice 2019

Kockice 2019

Kockice su nacionalni natjecateljski program kratkometražnog filma koji stavlja naglasak na nove autor/ice koji još nisu snimili dugometražni film. Raspored programa: Tina, Dubravka Turić, Sedra, Judita Gamulin Groblje slonova, Filip Mojzeš Druker, Rino Barbir Krhko, Tomislav Šoban Južno voće, Josip Lukić U → more


Dom mladih predstavlja 2019

Dom mladih predstavlja 2019

Dom mladih će predstaviti 14 filmova nastalih u sklopu njihovih video-filmskih radionica. Posljednjih dvadeset godina voditelj je Josip Šarlija, dugogodišnji profesor Doma mladih koji svojim znanjem, stručnošću i ljubavlju prema, prije svega radu s djecom, → more


DOKUart u Art-kinu

DOKUart u Art-kinu

14. DOKUart – međunarodni festival dokumentarnog filma Bjelovar predstavlja se u Art-kinu u utorak, 22. listopada s filmovima koje selektirala scenaristica, redateljica i filmska kritičarka Rada Šešić. U Rijeci će se DOKUart predstaviti s četiri → more


Ravnoteža / Equilibrium

Ravnoteža / Equilibrium

During childhood we build our lives around family relations, and when we grow up we create our own relationships. But the illusion of a newly acquired freedom is burdened by heritage that we carry with → more


U Međuvremenu / Meanwhile

U Međuvremenu / Meanwhile

Is where I come from written on my forehead? Can I forget my roots? Do I need to belong somewhere or to someone, and why should that be so important? We often don’t know if → more


Nestajanje / Fading

Nestajanje / Fading

The end is inevitable and it is the same for each of us, but there are as many last chapters as there are people. Is there anything more intimate and universal than dying? We all → more


Prasak / The Blast

Prasak / The Blast

Faith provides meaning and comfort. Religions offer path, rules, explanations, community, and sense of belonging. But stable network of relationships, unchanging truths, and beaten paths in an unpredictable world of complex opportunities and turning points → more


Trzavice / Frictions

Trzavice / Frictions

Imagine that you are in a forest, dark, gloomy and empty. You don’t know where you are. Suddenly, you hear a scream nearby. You don’t want to be there. You are scared. You see a → more


Levitacija / Levitation

Levitacija / Levitation

We are told to accept reality, it is necessary to compromise our dreams, they say. But what if we don’t want to make a choice? Sometimes, while creating secret worlds that protect and motivate us, → more