Monthly Overview


U nogometnim prvenstvima, partiture Ennija Morriconea već su postale zaštitni znak ulaska momčadi na teren u društvu svih onih klinaca koje njihovi članovi drže za ruke poput dobrih tatica koji vode sinove u šetnju, od → more


Istinite (mračne) priče - srpanj u Art-kinu

Istinite (mračne) priče

srpanj u Art-kinu

Braća Fabio i Damiano D'Innocenzo proveli su djetinjstvo u rimskoj suburbiji, koju su slikali, fotografirali i posvetili joj svoje stihove. No dok njihova suradnja s Matteom Garroneom u ulozi koscenarista (šifra: Dogman) promatra tu istu → more


Zviždači protiv mafije i korupcije - Lipanj u Art-kinu, dio dugi

Zviždači protiv mafije i korupcije

Lipanj u Art-kinu, dio dugi

Nakon komornog komada Policijski, pridjev, jezik i dalje ostaje dominantna preokupacija Cornelia Porumboiua. Samo što je u fokusu Zviždača jezik zviždanja poznatiji kao 'silbo' kojim se služe žitelji kanarskog otoka Gomera na kojem boravi autorov → more


Identity Policies - June at Art-kino, Part One

Identity Policies

June at Art-kino, Part One

In Synonyms by Nadav Lapid, great film about bodies and destruction of the dictates of (national) identities, the protagonist Yoav (the exceptional Tom Mercier) will erase his own Israeli past and language by coming to → more


Co-organized with the LUX Prize (European Parliament) and Giornate degli Autori for 10 years now, this great initiative will turn the dream of 27 young European moviegoers to attend the Venice Film Festival into reality! → more


Support our Girls - March in Art-kino

Support our Girls

March in Art-kino

This new american independent movie is above all, a local story, which is to be percieved in the discourse of territory. The same thing that Video Archives in Californian Manhattan Beach represent for Tarantino, Kim's video → more


Light and Darkness - February in Art-kino

Light and Darkness

February in Art-kino

In the introductory scenes of Tommaso, Willem Dafoe walks through the dark Roman neighborhood into the footsteps of Abel Ferrara, though he is named after the author's deceased cinematographer, Tommaso Bergstrom. He would soon see → more


Parasites and bees - January in Art-kino

Parasites and bees

January in Art-kino

The great Bong Joon-ho with his movie Parasite reinforced even more his status of a pessimistic demiurge who observes the Korean class society from a distance. That same society is becoming another sick tissue, whether it → more


A World of Work and Darkness - December in Art-kino

A World of Work and Darkness

December in Art-kino

When we see Ricky Turner in Ken Loach's latest film Sorry We Missed You as he transports various products ordered online with his van, it seems as if we spotted Daniel Blake on his route, → more


Enjoy your meal - November in Art-kino

Enjoy your meal

November in Art-kino

Enjoy your meal! In  Infinite football, Corneliu Porumboiu watches the monotonous everyday of an offical working in a municipality of a Romanian provincial city, dreaming of making a revolutionary leap in the genesis of football by developing → more


Razbijači sustava - listopad u Art-kinu

Razbijači sustava

listopad u Art-kinu

Jokerov smijeh. Prije maske. Prije no što se prometnuo u našeg omiljenog zlikovca iz DC Comics ešalona. Zato Todd Phillips u Jokeru pokušava učiniti sve da izvuče svog junaka iz Burtonova ekspresionističkog dekora (šifra: Jack Nicholson) → more


Sunday... on NBC - Rujan u Art-kinu

Sunday... on NBC

Rujan u Art-kinu

Sunday...on NBC. To je jedan od retro foršpana novog Tarantinova filma Bilo jednom...u Hollywoodu. Tarantina koji štuje analogni 35mm format. Tarantina koji je analogno restaurirao Leoneov klasik Za šaku dolara. Tarantino koji nam je obećao → more