Bernardo Bertolucci

Italian director and screenwriter; At first he wanted to devote himself to poetry (as did his father), but soon found himself as an assistant director on Pasolini's Accattone (1961), to record his debut The Grim Reaper (1962) the following year, based on Pier Paolo's screenplay. The second title, Before the Revolution (1964), which was filmed under the influence of the French new wave and genre of political film, drew the attention of international critics, and in the coming years the film was considered a herald of 1968. riots. Afterwards, Bertolucci continues to make acclaimed titles (Partner, The Spider's Stratagem, 1900, Tragedy of a Ridiculous Man, The Sheltering Sky, Besieged…), causing frequent controversy over the sexually provocative indulgence of the film (Last Tango in Paris) or its subject (Luna). His films are characterized by a combination of lavish, classicist composition of frames, which he shapes with an impressive visual style and political engagement on a thematic level. He was the recipient of all major film accolades, and in 2011, a Cannes jury awarded him the Honorary Palm for Lifetime Achievement.
Il conformista, Italija / Francuska / Zapadna Njemačka, 1970., feature film
Dok 15. listopada 1938. Marcello i Giulia Clerici putuju na medeni mjesec u Pariz, on promišlja svoj životni put, koji ga vodi prema pravom cilju putovanja: ubojstvu antifašističkog aktivista Quadrija, svojega bivšeg profesora, i njegove → more
Posljednji car
The Last Emperor, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo / Italija / Kina / Francuska, 1987., feature film
Život posljednjega kineskg cara Pu Yia, koji je na prijestolje stupio kao trogodišnjak 1908., da bi bio svrgnut već 1911. Potom je izoliran u svojoj palači do 1924., kada odlazi u Tanjin, pod japanskom vlašću, → more
Posljednji tango u Parizu
Ultimo tango a Parigi, Francuska / Italija, 1972., feature film
Sredovječni Amerikanac u Parizu, Paul, nastoji iskustvo samoubojstva supruge sublimirati u isključivo seksualnu vezu s mladom Francuskinjom Jeanne u prostoru prazna stana. Kada Paul, koji je izvorno uspostavio pravila neotkrivanja identiteta, pokuša nastaviti vezu po → more
The Dreamers
The Dreamers, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo / Francuska / Italija, 2003., feature film
Američki student Matthew provodi burno proljeće 1968. u Parizu uglavnom gledajući filmske klasike u glasovitoj Francuskoj kinoteci, dok pariške ulice ključaju od studentskih demonstracija. U kinoteci upozna neobičan par svojih vršnjaka - lijepu Isabelle i → more