Federico Fellini

Fellini, Federico, Italian director and screenwriter (Rimini, January 20, 1920 - Rome, October 31, 1993).
Born in a middle-class family, he attended a Catholic boarding school, studied law in Florence since 1938, but leaves the college for drawing cartoons and comics, which he continues from 1939 in Rome, where he writes sketches for radio (then he meets his future wife, actress G. Masina ) and theatre. Since 1940, he has also written film scripts, and collaborating as a screenwriter and assistant director with R. Rossellini on his neo-realist masterpieces Rome, Open City and Paisá, he finally decides to pursue film. His first directorial work was Variety Lights (1950), in coherence with A. Lattuad, and the first stand-alone film The White Sheik (1952), which also begins his first series of films, those with the theme of permeating reality with imagination and hopes. The first international success is achieved by The Bullocks(1953), while the award-winning The Road begins the second series (made up by The Drum, 1955 and Nights of Cabiria), which are films of redemption, in which neorealist elements ('small' people, the setting of neglected provinces and suburbs, emphasis on poverty) builds on psychological and moralistic observations (the so-called neorealism of the soul or 'refurbished' neorealism), which provokes animosity of Marxist critics who favor social issues. During this period, he has been bringing together full time screenwriting associates (E. Flaiano, T. Pinelli, B. Rondi), and has been collaborating with composer N. Rot since the first film. The culmination of this phase, as well as the transition to another, is the film La Dolce Vita (1960), in which he completely abandons the patterns of classical narration, opting for the so-called mosaic structure (a series of richly processed "slices of life" with no explicit causal connection), for a more modernist approach and a "metropolitan" theme - the modern world of abundance, alienation, relativization of moral values and decadence with a focus on identity crisis, with M. Mastroianni as central intelligence world. An even more favorable echo is his problematic, partly autobiographical and metanarrative film, Eight and a Half, in which, along with modernist, postmodern features that characterize his further work appear, leading to the dissolution of his screenwriting team.
The following films elaborate on some of the content or formal components of the previous ones: Juliet of the Spirits (1965) is the work of 'baroque' modernist directing and the theme of the intertwining of reality and imagination, and an adaptation of Petroni's work Satyricon directs by comparing the decadent Rome from Nero's time to the present; nostalgic reminiscence accents prevail in Amarcord, his most successful work of that phase and in the film Ginger and Fred (1986), the obsession with sexuality in Casanova (1976) and the City of Women (1980), while the Orchestra Rehearsal, a parable of the current political situation in Italy, also stands out. According to many, he's the most significant personality of Italian cinema in general, certainly the most award-winning world. an author between 1953 and 1974, and considered the 1960s director superstar. Fellini originally marked all stages in the development of European film since the end of World War II. making an equally significant contribution to all major thematic and stylistic orientations. He created a recognizable personal authorial world made up of harder-to-conform opposition components: almost documentary-accurate observations of reality in which he successfully blends the signs of modern civic and folk culture at a later stage with stylized elements and visualizations of the imagination; a world of pragmatic social practice is demanted by circus spectacle and associations with mute and silly comedy, critical attitudes and the explicitness of theses are mitigated by melancholy in depicting particular situations and characters, as well as persisting in hope, sentimental tones contrasting the grotesque and nostalgic irony, which distinguishes it from other great nostalgics, J. Ford. Other films (as director): Marriage Agency (episode of the omnibus Love in the City, 1953), The Temptation of Dr. Antonio (episode of the Boccaccio '70 omnibus, 1962), Toby Dammit (episode of the Spirits of the Dead, 1968), Clowns (1970), Fellini's Rome (1972), And The Ship Sails On (1983), Interview (1987), The Voice of the Moon (1990).
Acquired from: Film Lexicon of the Lexicographic Institute of Miroslav Krleža / author: A. Peterlić
Festivali i Nagrade
Academy Awards - Nominacija za 12 Oscara / BAFTA - Nagrada za filmove Casanova i Ginger i Fred / Cannes Film Festival - nagrađeni filmovi Cabirijske noći, Intevista i Zlatna palma za Slatki život / European Film Awards- Nagrada za životno djelo / Zlatni globus, Italija - Slatki život, 8½ , Amarcord, Ginger i Fred, Intervista / Venecijanski filmski festival - Klaunovi, Satyricon, Giulietta i duhovi, Ulica, Dangube... Uz brojne druge nagrade i nominacije.
Italija / Francuska, 1973., feature film
Radoznali dječak Titta odrasta u talijanskoj provinciji okružen galerijom živopisnih likova te pokazuje veliko zanimanje za suprotni spol. Premda se s vremenom politički odnosi radikalno mijenjaju, a fašisti počinju dominirati institucijama moći, zajednica ne prestaje → more
Bijeli šeik
Lo sceicco bianco, Italija, 1952., feature film
Netom vjenčani par iz provincijskoga gradića dolazi u Rim. Suprugu pritom na umu nisu toliko romantika i medeni mjesec koliko susret s ujakom iz Vatikana koji im je sredio audijenciju kod Pape. Budući da su → more
I vitelloni, Italija, 1953., feature film
Filmsko platno ponovno se diže na riječkom parkiralištu Beretich gdje se tijekom svibnja održava novo izdanje Autokina, u organizaciji Art-kina i udruge Filmaktiv. Pet muškara na životnoj prekretnici - DANGUBE... Nekolicina prijatelja živi dokoličarskim životom u malom → more
Fellinijev Rim
Roma, Italija / Francuska, 1972., feature film
Polubiografska poetska dramedija sastoji se od niza djelomično povezanih epizoda. Glavni protagonist filma je sam RIM dok radnja simbolizira Fellinijevo napuštanje Riminija i dolazak u Rim kasnih 30-ih i ranih 40-ih godina prošlog stoljeća. → more
Ginger i Fred
Ginger e Fred, Italija / Francuska, 1986., feature film
Amelia i Pippo čitavoga života glume nekoć utjecajan par zlatnih dana Hollywooda čije ime film i nosi. Nakon tridesetak godina pruža im se prilika za još jednom izvedbom u raskalašenom televizijskom vodvilju. Ubrzo se cijela → more
Giulietta od duhova
Giulietta degli spiriti, Italija / Francuska, 1965., feature film
Fellinijev prvi film u boji bavi se životnim problemima sredovječne kućanice koju tumači njegova supruga, glumica Giulietta Masina. Iako na prvi pogled ima sve: muža, kuću uz more i novčanu stabilnost, Giulietta nije nimalo sretna. Majka → more
I clowns, Italija / Francuska, 1970., documentary
Vlastitu životnu fascinaciju cirkusom i klaunovima Fellini je pretočio u film koji ujedno parodira i dokumentarne filmske tehnike i same filmske kritičare. U prvom dijelu Fellini baca nostalgičan, autobiografski pogled na svoju mladenačku opčinjenost cirkusom, → more
The Clowns
I clowns, Italy / France / West Germany, 1970., documentary
The continuation of the full-year program Fellini 1920-2020, dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the great Italian director Federico Fellini, brings The Clowns (1970), a docu-fiction film dedicated to the author's fascination with → more
La Dolce Vita
La dolce vita, Italy / France, 1960., feature film
We follow seven days in the life of Marcello, a gossip columnist who wants to become a serious writer but does not have the strength to do so. Instead, he indulges in the decadent life → more